
Tips For Moving in the Rain to Reduce Damage – Everything You Should Know

Tips For Moving in the Rain to Reduce Damage - Everything You Should Know

November 21, 2023

Tips For Moving in the Rain to Reduce Damage – Everything You Should Know

When spring arrives, you get excited about the fun you’ll have in the coming months. However, this is also the rainy season. While that’s good for the grass and plants, a rainy-day move isn’t ideal.

Have you ever dealt with moving in the rain before? You probably realize that even a light drizzle can be a considerable inconvenience. If it’s a downpour or severely bad weather, it’s even worse!

Moving day can happen in rain or shine. Mostly, you don’t have an option to wait until the rain stops, and you don’t need to. Though it’s not ideal, moving in the rain might not be a total disaster!

10 Tips for Protecting Your Things and Staying Dry While Moving in the Rain

Below, you’ll learn the best tips to help you move in the rain without the stress. Though you might get a little damp, you can keep your belongings dry with the advice here!

1. Use Plastic Wrap

Plastic wrap can be your best friend when protecting your belongings and boxes from the rain. Though you can and likely should use moving blankets, they’re not water-resistant or waterproof. Therefore, they won’t keep out excess moisture.

If you plan to use them, make sure you wrap the blankets tightly around your items, then plastic wrap (stretch wrap) around them. Alternatively, you could use garbage bags to tightly wrap things and create a barrier from the excessive moisture.

Think about your plans here. Are the boxes outside only long enough to be carried to the moving truck from the old house? If so, they’ll probably be okay. Still, you should use your best judgment about when to wrap and when not to. Tarps can also work, though it might be impossible to get a tight seal so that moisture can get inside.

2. Make a Plan

When you move in the rain, you need to have your items outside in the moisture for as short a time as possible. The best way to achieve that goal is to plan how to arrange and load them.

Make sure you know how to pack and load the moving truck and plan a strategy for your day. The heavy and large items should go first and be at the back of the vehicle, close to the driver’s cabin. Light and small things will go on last.

If you have valuable items, it’s wise to wrap them carefully and put them in the truck based on weight.

However, you should also think about yourself and your outdoor helpers. They should have proper rain gear, including waterproof shoes, rain slickers, and hats to keep the rain away.

You can also buy cheap, non-slip mats and put them in the entryway to stage your household items for the trip outside. Keep a few extra available to switch out during the day.

3. Line the Boxes

One alternative to wrapping boxes from the outside is to do so from the inside. You can only do that if you haven’t started packing and sealing them. Still, if possible, line the box inside with garbage bags, filling them with your things. If the box gets put on the wet ground, the items inside will stay protected. Just make sure that you seal the bags and the boxes to get the added protection.

You may also decide to pack all your items in garbage bags and not use boxes at all. Make sure to label the bags so that you don’t throw them away thinking they are trash.

4. Reinforce Damaged or Weak Boxes

If your boxes are barely held together now, they won’t do well on rainy days. Check the weather report to see if rain might happen on your moving day. Then, make sure the boxes you choose are in good condition.

Some people will ditch the cardboard and use large plastic bags or even plastic moving boxes!

What happens if you weren’t expecting rain, but it occurred? In this case, you can reinforce the boxes that aren’t in good condition with packing tape around the tears and rips. You may also want to add another layer of protection with some plastic wrap.

5. Arrange Boxes in the Front Hallway or Garage

When moving day is rainy, you want to keep the moisture out of your old home if possible. Whether you own or rent it, you don’t want a big mess left behind.

The easiest thing to do to avoid walking around in wet boots is to bring the packed items close to the truck but inside the home. You’ll only have to clean a small area when you’re done. Garages work well, but a front hall is also a great choice. You can also bring in old rugs and heavy blankets to prevent slipping and water damage.

6. Wipe Down Items While Loading on a Rainy Day

Avoid letting puddles of water build up in the truck or your new place by wiping down the wet items when they arrive in the vehicle. You can use old towels or rugs to keep everything dry.

Typically, this works well for wood furniture. It’s nearly impossible to dry off wet cardboard boxes, though you can wipe them down. If you use plastic wrap on the boxes, this might be a little easier.

7. Put Tarps on the Bottom of the Moving Truck Bed

If water gets onto your belongings while traveling from inside the house to inside the truck, it could create a huge mess later. You should think about water protection while moving them to the vehicle, but they might get a little moisture in transit.

You can arrange tarps over the items to seal them from the water in the truck bed and moisture from things in the vehicle. Likewise, you could wipe up any puddles or moisture you see before leaving.

8. Unpack Things Immediately in the New House

Most people are procrastinators when it comes to unpacking their things. Usually, the deadline occurs for packing because you must get it all done and out of the house by a certain time.

The only incentive to unpack quickly is to get rid of the stacks of boxes a little sooner, which is enough for some people. However, you should act fast if you experience bad weather on your moving day. There is a chance the moisture got into areas you didn’t see. If you let that water sit, it might significantly damage your items.

Overall, the best thing to do is ensure that things are dry and safe as soon as possible. Therefore, you will need to unpack right away. Though it probably won’t be what you wish to do after a long moving day, it’s ultimately better than ruining your things.

What happens if you’re putting some items in a storage unit after the rain? This is a question many people worry about. Your best bet is to get the boxes into the unit and remove the plastic wrap or tarp. Open the containers if possible and let things air dry. Likewise, you may want to check the items in the storage unit periodically to ensure they aren’t mildewy or moldy.

9. Practice Safety in Inclement Weather

Your possessions aren’t the only things to focus on when moving in the rain. The moisture can be a safety hazard, so you should be extra careful. Prevent slips and sliding by putting down old mats, unfolded cardboard, and tarps along the path you’ll use from the house to the truck.

It might also be wise to create an assembly line. A few people will haul the items inside the home to the door. Then, other people take those items and put them into the truck.

Generally, an assembly line will prevent the transfer of moisture from outside to inside.

10. Stay Focused

Now isn’t the time to go slow with your move. Grab some coffee and get to work immediately, focusing on safety and speed. The faster you get the truck loaded, the sooner you finish the entire process.

It might be wise to check the forecast if you don’t feel like rushing or can’t. Bad weather situations often ease up in a few hours, so you might be able to wait it out. However, you may still be rushing later because you only have a short time frame for the moving truck.

Bonus Tip: Hire Professional Movers Instead

While these tips for moving in rainy weather will help you with your DIY move, it’s often better to leave it all to someone else. A professional mover is an expert at moving efficiently and safely in all conditions. Bad weather doesn’t affect them. Plus, you’ll stay dry inside your home while they do the work.

Are you ready to move to a new home? The most important thing you should do is hire Apple Moving. We can handle the job for you, regardless of the weather situation. Request your free quote today!

FAQs About Moving in the Rain

Is It Okay to Move in the Rain?

It is okay to move in heavy or light rain. Follow the moving tips above to protect your belongings and yourself. You don’t want wet items in your new home because it might lead to mold growth and unpleasant smells.

What Do You Do If It Rains When You Move?

The easiest thing to do is call a moving company to handle the rainy move for you. However, if you’re doing it yourself and find a rainy-day move is likely to happen, here are a few tips:

  • Use trash bags to cover what you can.
  • Use plastic wrap to create a rain barrier.
  • Line the boxes with trash bags or tarps.
  • Have a plan.
  • Reinforce damaged boxes.
  • Lay tarps on the truck bed to prevent moisture.

How Do You Protect Moving Boxes in the Rain?

If you’re moving during bad weather, using garbage bags and plastic sheeting to wrap the cardboard boxes in is wise. This will protect them from the rain. Likewise, you might use duct tape and moving pads. Some people think the safe bet is to use plastic totes, but that might get expensive.

Is It Normal to Like Walking in the Rain?

You aren’t abnormal if you enjoy walking in the rain. Just make sure you’ve planned your route in advance and wear the proper clothing against strong winds and moisture.

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