
How to Make Moving Less Stressful: 10 Top Tips and Recommendations

How to Make Moving Less Stressful: 10 Top Tips and Recommendations

October 28, 2023

How to Make Moving Less Stressful: 10 Top Tips and Recommendations

Moving house is a stressful event for anyone. Packing up your world to move on to the next adventure is a big moment and an even bigger ordeal, but there are ways to make it less stressful for everyone.

This complete guide to a stress-free move covers the top stress triggers, ten tips for making a move easier, and other helpful suggestions to help you along the way.

family of four holding boxes

What Are the Top Three Stress Triggers During a Move?

Everything about moving can make people anxious, but three stages stand out during the process that tend to get the most wound up.

1: Planning the Move

Stress kicks in for most well before you get the bubble wrap out. The idea of moving and all the planning that needs to go into it is a lot to deal with, and it can put people off moving house altogether.

When everything still needs to be planned, it can feel like a mountain to climb. That’s not to mention all the other things you need to worry about that come with normal living outside of the moving stress!

2: The Packing Process

Most people would agree that packing is a stressful part of moving. Putting your whole home in boxes is enough to make anyone anxious.

It can take a long time to pack things, which is stressful in its own right, but you also need to consider how secure they are, if they will survive the journey, and what you will do in the meantime while your belongings are packed but you still need to get by.

3: Anxiety and Fear of Not Knowing What Comes Next

Although it doesn’t affect the process of moving, fear of the unknown can add to the stress people feel during the process.

Are you going to be happy there? Will the kids like their new school? How easy will it be to make new friends? The list of potential worries is endless and difficult for anyone to ignore.

10 Top Tips for a Stress-Free Move

Okay, we have established that moving is stressful and why that is the case- but what can you do about it?

Your moving stress can be significantly reduced if you follow these ten ways to ease the process and save yourself some trouble.

1: Plan Ahead

Thinking through the entire process before you begin makes a huge difference. It helps to make a to-do list and methodically move through it to keep yourself on track.

A moving checklist should include what you need to organize, everything that needs packing, timelines for tasks, and what you need to get before you go.

man lifting box standing behind woman holding phone

2: Have All Your Packing Supplies Ready

Have all your moving supplies ready before starting to avoid inconvenient runs to the store.

You need:


  • Enough boxes
  • Packing tape
  • Plastic wrap
  • Bubble wrap
  • Labels
  • Furniture covers
  • Markers

Save time later by getting this done early.

3: Take it One Room At a Time

Packing up one room at a time is a great way to feel your progress and make moving less stressful. That way, your living space is not completely overrun with boxes and supplies, and you can tick areas of your house off as you go.

Try to start with rooms you use less often. Guest rooms, spare bathrooms, storage cupboards, and garages are usually good places to start. Leave important rooms such as the kitchen and main bathroom until last.

4: Label Boxes As You Go

One of the best packing tips is to label all your boxes clearly. Put similar items in one box, or at least keep items in the same place together for an easier time later on.

When a box is full, seal it up and create a label complete with the room it belongs to and roughly what is inside. If you want to be extra organized and boxes don’t have too many different items, you could even tape on a box inventory of everything inside.

5: Start Packing Early

Less time means more stress. The sooner you start packing, the better- especially things that won’t be missed.

Give yourself enough time to methodically and carefully pack your belongings for the move. Starting early also gives you plenty of time to restock on packing supplies if you run out sooner than you thought you would.

6: Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help

Ask friends or a nearby family member to help if you struggle. It is a huge task to undertake alone, and having an extra set of hands to help you pack can relieve stress and make the process more enjoyable.

man lifting living room labeled box

7: Take Breaks to Reset and Focus On Your Health

It is not just about leaving enough time to pack- you also need time to rest and look after yourself. Getting enough sleep and exercising, meditation, relaxation, or spending time with loved ones can help reduce stress and make you feel less anxious about the big move.

8: Prepare an Overnight Bag

The first night in your new home is not the time to be searching through boxes for the things you need. Keep a few essential personal items- for example, toiletries, a change of clothes, chargers, and kids’ favorite toys- in an overnight bag for easy access.

You can also do this the night before you move to leave yourself as little as possible to pack in the morning.

9: Make Unpacking a Priority

Unfortunately, the stress isn’t over once you arrive in the new space. Unpacking is just as stressful as packing in many ways, and procrastinating will not do you any good.

Put unpacking at the top of your post-move to-do list to feel settled more quickly and get your new home in order.

10: Hire Professional Movers

Hiring a rental truck to move alone can seem like a good idea, but it adds more stress. A professional moving company knows the best ways to load and unload the moving truck for the safest transport and least stressful experience.

They can help move furniture, lift heavy boxes, and much more. It also makes moving day more enjoyable, as you only have to move yourself.

Other Recommendations and Considerations to Make Moving Less Stressful

Don’t Over-Do It with Heavy Lifting

The last thing you need mid-move is an injury trying to lift boxes. Any tasks that involve heavy lifting should be left to the professionals- or, at the very least, done with the help of someone else.

Consider What You Do and Do Not Need to Take

Traveling light is always a good idea- even when moving. It is a good idea to sell, donate, or get rid of things that don’t need to come with you rather than giving yourself move work and more clutter at the other end.

man pointing out on a piece of paper white leaning on a box

Take Extra Care Packing Fragile Items

Even the most professional movers can hit road bumps or unexpected obstacles, and fragile items or furniture must be packed tightly and well-wrapped.

Leave as Little as Possible to Do On Moving Day

Staying organized is not just about making the packing as easy as possible- it also avoids a mad dash to the finish line right before you move.

When the day comes, the only thing you want to be thinking about is getting yourself out and on the way- not running around at the last minute throwing things into boxes.

Make your packing deadline the day before you move, other than a few essentials you need on the final morning.

Keep in Touch with Friends and Family Before, During, and After the Move

If you are moving, you may inevitably feel a little lost at some point along the way. It is important to have support around you- in your current location and at the next. Talk to the people around you that you trust, and keep up those connections that can help you feel settled sooner.

Put Time into Making the New Place Feel Like Home

When you get to your new home, make it feel like your own. The sooner you make it comfortable and fill it with your personality, the easier it will be to adjust to living there.

Pay Extra Attention to Kids and Pets

Moves are hard on everyone, but children and pets don’t understand the disruption. Be aware of how it may affect them, and take steps to prepare them for what is happening- including the craziness of packing up the house and the big changes ahead.

Final Thoughts

Moving day is stressful by any standards, but proper preparation and a few smart choices can make it a whole lot easier.

It is essential to stay organized, get packed early, and have what you need for the first night and day in your new home close to hand. These moving tips do make a difference.

Hiring a professional moving crew you trust takes a huge weight off your shoulders and makes the whole process much easier.

man lifting box

Apple Moving San Antonio is Here to Help

Apple Moving San Antonio is a leading and highly reputable moving company with extensive experience making Texas moves smoother, easier, and less stressful- taking a big part of the job out of your hands so you can focus on other important things.

Contact the crew today to discuss your upcoming move and get a step ahead to make moving day as stress-free as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the moving process so stressful?

Moving stress is caused by many things- the cost of a move, how much work is involved in the prepping and packing, and the logistics of getting everything from A to B.

At the core of it all, moving is so stressful because it is a total upheaval of your life from one place to another- who wouldn’t feel a little on edge?

How can I make moving easier emotionally?

Regardless of why you are moving, there is always emotion involved. Coping with relocation can be very taxing on a person’s emotions and mental well-being, but there are ways to help make it a little easier.

Always try to focus on the positive aspects of the move and the things to look forward to. Document your emotions and be organized and meticulous in planning what steps you will take when you arrive.

It is also emotionally beneficial to unpack as quickly as possible to make the new space feel like home. When you see your personal belongings in place, you can start picturing your new life, which helps you feel more emotionally in tune with the new house.

How long does it take to adjust to a move?

How long it will take to adjust to a move depends on many factors. The circumstances of the move, how far you have gone, how different the way of life is, and how much work there is to be done in the new home can all influence how quickly (or not) a person feels settled.

People are more likely to settle quickly if they remain in the same state and have friends or family in the new location. In these cases, it can take as little as six months to feel fully adjusted.

Interstate moves to places where you don’t know anyone and are starting all over again can take much longer. It is hard to say how long, but it is normal to take an entire year or more to live in a completely new place before it feels like home.

How many times is it normal to move?

In the US, the average number of moves a person will make in their lifetime is 11. This is based on data taken from the US Census Bureau.

Is it normal to feel anxious about moving house?

Yes, it is. More than a third of movers feel anxious during the moving process. Even more people say they put off moving because of the stress it causes. Some people even report feeling physically or mentally unwell during a move- as many as 40%.

Feeling stressed and anxious about moving is perfectly normal, but using the tips provided here can help you feel more in control and less worried.

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